“You’re Just Too Creative for This Role”

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“You’re Just Too Creative for This Role”

While studying art in college you get to work in every aspect of that industry. Once you enter the workforce, some get their feet wet in various areas of design until they find what makes them comfortable. While others continue to work in various aspects of design giving them a very broad array of different creative projects in their portfolio. For the latter group, it seems to all pay off when hiring managers acknowledge that you are a highly creative person. However, this can be a double edge sword when you heard the words “you’re just too creative for this role.”

This presents a unique challenge for the designer. You have the desire to be very creative with the work that you do, but you also must find gainful employment to help you pay off the education in the industry that you love. Would it be considered a compromise to accept a position that is not as creative as your portfolio reflects? There are options. You could broaden your search. Instead of looking at local positions, you could start to branch out to other cities or even states. You’d be surprised how many companies in other locations would appreciate your creative aesthetic. However, a huge move may not be something that you’re interested in at this time in your career.

Another option is to accept the less creative position while freelancing on the side. With freelance work, you get to choose the projects that you work on. This will continue to help you build on the creative aspects of your portfolio. Still, there are companies that do not want their employees to freelance. Is there another option? Yes! There are so many creative competitions through the year. Most competitions are free of charge. The creative designer can always enter these competitions. The adrenaline rush that comes from not only entering the competitions but completing the projects, will give the creative designer a sense of fulfillment. It will also put their work in front of very influential people in the industry, and could lead to highly creative positions more suited for the designer in the near future. Doesn’t the thought of that just put a smile on your face?

Just remember if you feel that you are too creative for a graphic design position, or you’ve even been told this by a potential employer, there are always options to work around this issue. These options could lead to better opportunities in the near future. Some helpful advice for the creative designer is this; “don’t give up on yourself if you can only land the less creative positions.” If this is your situation, learn what you can while you’re in the role and think of ways to use those new skills in your more creative designs. In the end, it will make you a much happier and well-rounded designer.


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